My Fibromyalgia Recovery Story: An Inteview On CFS Unravelled

I am excited to share with you my recent interview with Dan Neuffer of CFS Unravelled.  Dan is committed to sharing resources and stories to inspire hope and support for recovery from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia.
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia at age 20 and spent most of a decade searching for healing and recovery.  It was this exploration and discovering that recovery was possible through an alternative and holistic approach that ultimately led me to the path as a holistic practitioner. facilitator and educator.
By age 28, I had shifted from dropping out of college, living in extreme physical pain and barely being able to get out of bed on many days, to becoming a full-time licensed massage therapist.  My healing continued for a few more years as I came to see the need to focus on emotional healing in an energetic way.   I discovered the Bach Flower Remedies and worked with them for over  a year – this is when I became symptom free of Fibromyalgia.
Although my personal focus was on healing through Fibroymyalgia, my journey revealed to me the importance of taking a holistic approach – one that addresses body , mind, emotion and spirit for healing and for well-being.  I learned firsthand the importance of Dr. Bach’s words:

“Treat the whole person, not the disease.”

I also came to understand that what works for one person, may not work for another.  During and after my recovery, I studied a number of the modalities that supported me as well as other holistic tools.  Some of these include Reiki, Massage & Bodywork, Nutrition, Bach Flower Remedies, Zero Balancing,  PEER Emotional Release Work,  and Holistic Self-Care.  Eventually, Shamanic Healing became the heart of my work as I found it creates a powerful foundation for returning us to our natural state of wholeness.  In my work with clients, I offer an integrative approach to meet each person where they are and to support a shift into greater balance,  joy and ease of well-being. 
In my interview with Dan, I share in detail about my journey through Fibromyalgia as well as what I have learned about healing overall serving as a wellness practitioner for over 18 years.
I hope you’ll take a listen and be sure to share it with anyone you know who is struggling with Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or other chronic illness so they can know that RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE!

Read CFS Post & Listen To Interview

If you would like more information on resources and programs for Fibromyalgia & CFS support as well as overall health and well-being, please feel free to visit my website learn more or to set up a complimentary 20 minute consultation –


3 responses »

  1. Hi Beth, I am a Nutrition Consultant in Southeastern Virginia. I was wondering if you teach the Bach course online or in person. I am interested in becoming certified in the near future. Thank you so much! I also had fibromyalgia for many years and healed myself with various modalities:-) Namaste, Sheryl Menah

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    • Hi Sheryl! Thanks for your note and always happy to hear from other folks who have recovered from Fibromyalgia through holistic means. I am not yet trained to teach certification courses although am working toward teaching Level 1 in 2015 through the Bach Centre. Here is the website for Bach Flower Certification courses in the US, both live and in person. It is an amazing program. I had already been trained as a practitioner through a homestudy program 15 years ago and after all that time working with clients, I decided to become a BFRP (Bach Flower Registered Practitioner) so that I can teach more on the topic. I was amazed at how much more I learned and am always continue to learn and grow with these powerful, yet subtle remedies. I have seen miracles with my clients and in my own life. Good luck to you and feel free to drop a note if you need more info or would like to connect! Many blessings, Beth

  2. Pingback: Blogs by Heal My Voice Authors: October 19, 2014 | HEAL MY VOICE

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